Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Automated Clothesline

Design kat atas adalah design asal project nie yang mana sebelah hujung clothesline ditahan oleh dinding, manakala sebelah hujung yg satu lagi ditahan oleh tiang besi. Figure utk keadaan yg lebih terperinci lagi:

Side view of the clothesline

Top view of the Clothesline

Design motor yang akan dimasukkan dlm Clothesline

Perincian berkenaan motor dalam Clothesline

Perancangan kami selepas design basic nie selesai adalah dengan mengdesign clothesline cam video kat bawah nie. Memang nmpk menarik dan menyenangkan, cume kami tambah element-element tambahan kami ini.

Setelah perbincangan dgn sir, ktrg rasa yang design nie tak brape sesuai bagi orang2 yang menginginkan Clothesline yang boleh disesuaikan dgn keadaan rumah yang sempit. Maka dengan ini, ktrg rangka satu lagi design clothesline yang membolehkannya diletakkan di tmpt yang sempit selain bentuknya yg amat comel.

Side view untuk design Clothesline yang baru

Pandangan 45 darjah dari atas hadapan..haha (maaf gambar x bape clear)

Pandangan depan

Berkenaan motor yang nk dimasukkan dlm design nie masih lagi dalam pemerhatian kami. Mmg agak ssh skit operation die, tp kami cube mencari jalan penyelesaian.

sun detector

The circuit works as follows. The photo transistor is very sensitive to light. (Any phototransistor will work fine) The sun shining on this device will provide a high to one of the NAND gates. This will cause another NAND gate to oscillate which will drive another gate to output a 100hz tone. The transistor provides drive for the speaker.

p/s: ni belom consult lg dgn sir. tp da mule working on it. moga2 dipermudahkan. amin

stepper motor and rain detector

ni approved version dr sir.
Rain detector:

p/s: ade due yg di usulkan. satu sgt complicated. tp sir prefer yg simple ini. so gudnews for me.

Stepper motor:

p/s: circuit explain utk stepper motor sgt pnjg. explanation ade pd author.

byk bende blajar pas jumpe sir last week.
1st: study before present circuit
2nd: study n prepare before jumpe sir.
same je due2 tu pon. so skang ni jgn maen present je. kene study background research tu dl br present. sir ckp "ha tgk xstudy dulu la tu. canne nk dpt 4.0 ni"...
hambek sebijik kene. ok next meeting ngn sir kene sgt2 prepare.

updated survey

the previous survey byk yg kene amend. so kali ni nk post yg updated nye. tp x approve lg. once da approved br la kami sebar2kan survey itu utk tatapan org ramai.

Project: Automated Clothesline with Rain Detector

Name: 1) Mohd Ezwan Bin Arshad 2) Noor Syafiena Bt Mohd Adnan

We are doing our Final Year Project entitle Automated Clothesline with Rain Detector. This project is mainly about a home application which this is the upgrade version of traditional clothesline. This Automated Clothesline is retractable and will automatically move inside the covered area when it sense raindrops or else will move under sun exposure when the sensor senses the light of sun.

Gender : [ ] male [ ] female

Age : [ ] below 20 [ ] 26 to 30

[ ] 20 to 25 [ ] 31 to 40

[ ] above 40

(1) House income:

[ ] Below RM2000 [ ] Above RM2000

(2) Occupation sector:

[ ] Technical [ ] Non- Technical [ ] Student

(3) Which one do you prefer?

[ ] Traditional clothesline [ ] Automated Clothesline

[ ] Laundry [ ] Dryer Room

(4) How many hours do you / your family members stay in house?

[ ] Less than 8 hours [ ] More than 8 hours

(5)What is your type of house?

[ ] Condominium [ ] Terrace

[ ] Apartment [ ] Single House

(6) Will you buy this automated clothesline if it save your time and space?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

(7) Please select your option/s about the feature of this automated clothesline.

[ ] It is compatible to move to other places

[ ] It can fold or roll up

[ ] Small size (able to hang 20 clothes)

[ ] Bigger size (able to hang more than 20 clothes)

[ ] Fancy design (colourful)

[ ] Smart design (black/white/grey)

[ ] Round shape

[ ] Square shape

Others (please specify): .............................................................................

(8) Which one similar with yours?

[ ] The clothes were already wet due to rain by the time you hang off them.

[ ] Forget to collect your clothes on time.

[ ] Odour causes by exposure.

[ ] Being difficult to hang up the clothes due to limited time and space.

(9) On these range of prices, which one do you think the best for this automatic clothesline?

[ ] RM100 to RM200 [ ] RM201 to RM300

[ ] RM301 to RM400 [ ] RM500 to RM1000

(10) We would appreciate if you can leave some comments and suggestion to help better improvement of this project.




Thursday, November 5, 2009


This survey is part of our FYP project which we had to deal with automated wireless clothesline. This ‘intelligent’ clothesline detects rain and will automatically move in the hang up clothes to your garage or covered area. It also will move out under sun exposure when it ‘sees’ the sun.


Gender : [ ] male [ ] female

Age : [ ] below 20 [ ] 26 to 30

[ ] 20 to 25 [ ] 31 to 40

[ ] above 40

Profession: ………………………………….


Question 1:

Did you ever face the circumstances of being difficulties on wet clothes causes by rain?

[ ] yes [ ] No

Question 2:

Which one do you prefer?

[ ] Common clothesline

[ ] Automatic clothesline

Question 3:

Do you think this automated wireless clothesline is relevant for this area?

Question 4:

On these range of prices, which one do you think the best for this automatic clothesline?

[ ] RM100 to RM200 [ ] RM201 to RM300

[ ] RM301 to RM400 [ ] RM500 to RM1000


Question 5:

Do will you buy this automatic clothesline if there are costly?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

Question 6:

Do you think this automatic clothesline suitable for your house?

[ ] Yes.

Why? ……………………………………………………………………………………..


[ ] No.




Question 7:

We would appreciate if you can leave some comments and suggestion to help better improvement of this project.




* Thank you for your cooperation.